SL - ST Software Configuration and Management System Project
Implementation Phase

Project Definition Report

PDR/MS Word 97/Issue 1 - Revision 1 - June 15, 1998

R. Bartolome, P. Charrue, B. Denis, E. Hatziangeli, I. Laugier, P. Ninin, V. Paris, A. Risso, H. Sobczak, J. de Vries


SL - ST Software Configuration and Management System Project - Implementation Phase 

Project Definition Report

June 98
First Issue
June 98
First review by project team.

Document prepared by: E. Hatziangeli, H. Sobczak


1. Preface *

2. Management Summary *

3. Background *

4. Purpose, Scope and Objectives *

4.1 Purpose *

4.2 Scope *

4.3 Objectives *

5. Work Breakdown Structure * 5.1 Project Definition Workshop *

5.2 Implementation phase *

5.2.1 Milestone Plan * Result Paths * Milestones Definition *

6. Project Organisation *

7. Project Management System *

7.1 Project Planning Procedures *

7.2 The Project Team *

7.3 Tools and Documentation *

8. Project Budget *

9. Acknowledgements *

10. References *

Appendix A *

The Project Milestone Plan * Appendix B * The Project Responsibility Chart *  


1. Preface

The Project Definition Report (PDR) is the outcome of the Project Definition Workshop (PDW) between the project sponsor, the project team and the immediate supervisors of the members of the project.

The purpose of the workshop was:

This document contains a clear description of the domain of the project, the problems to be solved and the final goals to achieve that were discussed and agreed in common by the attendees.

Part of the workshop was devoted to:

2. Management Summary

The outcome of this project will be a new Software Configuration Management (SCM) system that will replace and add new functionality to the existing SLAPS [R1] software management system.

The new system will be a set of tools and procedures that address the entire software lifecycle identifying, managing and controlling software and software related components as they change over time. This process will ensure that, at all times, the status and the locations of all versions of all deliverables are known. The status of shared objects is carefully controlled and all unauthorised changes are prevented. It will provide a controlled and managed environment for software development and it will automate the tasks of code and lifecycle management.

In May 1997, a PDW was held to define the start of the overall Software Configuration and Management (SCaM) system project. The main aim of the SCaM project was defined to be:

Find a software management system, after conducting an in-depth market survey and evaluation, port all existing projects, using SLAPS, in the new system and remove the need of the SLAPS system. The project was separated in two phases: The survey phase was completed by March 1998 and a technical proposal with the evaluation of the recommended SCM systems was documented in the project's evaluation report [R2].

This PDR refers to the implementation phase, which will mainly be devoted to:

There are two teams participating in the implementation phase:  
Hubert Sobczak (SL/CO) until Jul. '98
Technical student (SL/CO) after Nov. '98
Roberto Bartolome (ST/MC) until Jun.'98
Jose Luis Patino Esteban (ST/MC) from Aug. '98
Eugenia Hatziangeli (SL/CO)  

Project Leader

  SCaM primary project team  
Roberto Bartolome (ST/MC) from Jul. '98
Jannes de Vries (SL/BI)
Alessandro Risso (PS/CO)
Isabelle Laugier (LHC/VAC)
  SCaM secondary project team The PDR also contains the definition of the project purpose, scope and objectives for the Implementation phase.

In addition, it contains the strategic milestone plan and the overall project responsibility chart for this phase. These documents are techniques defined by the Goal Directed Project Management (GDPM) method [R3].

3. Background

The present SLAPS software management system was developed in CERN in the late ?80s for in-house software development on the Apollo/DOMAIN system. It is based on C-shell scripts, C programs and a specific directory structure repository. The main objectives of the system were to:

With the move to HP-UX as the main development platform and the use of PCs and Power PCs running LynxOS, the system was extended to allow multiple platform compilation via the use of environment variables. We are now at the point where the limitations of the present system are reached. The maintenance of the system itself is very taxing to the software administrators and extensions of its functionality are difficult to implement. This, in addition to the lack of proper procedures to allow the introduction of externally developed software, has led to the creation of this project.

The first phase (survey) of the project was completed in March 1998. It has:

The PDW for the final phase (implementation) achieved the commitment of the primary project team and the identification of a secondary team with direct interests in the outcome of the project.

Common agreement on the purpose, scope and objectives of the project was reached between everyone involved. Therefore, this PDR marks the start of the project lifecycle.


4. Purpose, Scope and Objectives

4.1 Purpose

The purpose of the implementation phase of the project is to provide a complete software configuration and management system capable of supporting:

The new system will solve the following problems: The benefits of the new system will be:

4.2 Scope

The work necessary to achieve the purpose outlined above includes:

    1. SL/BI
    2. LHC/VAC
    3. PS/SL convergence project [R5].
The work of this project does not cover: 4.3 Objectives

Identify a minimum standard SCM solution and gain its acceptance from:

Install the minimum standard solution, make it available for use and eliminate the need for SLAPS.

A list of different service scenarios (CERN, Russian collaboration, commercial companies, etc.) could be used to bring all concerned software in the new management system.

Non-SLAPS users will be encouraged to incorporate their software inside this system.

5. Work Breakdown Structure
Project Definition Workshop
May 1998
Production of the project definition report
June 1999
New SCM system operational and available for use. No need for SLAPS.
5.1 Project Definition Workshop

The milestone plan was defined during the project definition workshop and it was further refined by the primary and secondary project teams.

The responsibility chart was drawn after the workshop and all the people involved in the project agreed upon it.

The milestone plan and the responsibility chart are found in the appendices A and B.

5.2 Implementation phase

This project phase will be completed when the new SCM system is operational and available for use and the need for SLAPS is eliminated.

It was agreed that this objective should be reached by the end of June 1999.
5.2.1 Milestone Plan

The milestone plan represents a logical network for the project. It is the framework, which defines the intermediate results to be achieved in order to reach the final objective of the project. Result Paths

The milestones are grouped into areas of work that are called Result Paths. The result paths, found in the milestone plan, are the following:

M: Management decisions,

I: Implementation,

T: Training and communication. Milestones Definition

The circles on the milestone plan represent the milestones and the lines joining them represent the logical dependency between the milestones. Each milestone is an event in time. They represent the packages of work to be done and are defined by the results they deliver. The work in a milestone can be started before the previous milestone has finished, but the end of one milestone depends on the end of the previous one (end-to-end dependency).

6. Project Organisation

The project organisation of the implementation phase is defined by the Project Responsibility Chart (Appendix B). It defines the roles and responsibilities to achieve the milestones described in the milestone chart (Appendix A).

7. Project Management System

7.1 Project Planning Procedures

The technique for planning and controlling the project will follow the "Goal Directed Project Management" approach [R3]. This includes the use of the following techniques:

There will be regular project reviews, where all the technical and managerial decisions for the project will be taken by the project team.

Each review will be organised with:

A list of open issues will be maintained throughout the duration of the project and it will be reviewed during each project review.

Decisions at the functional management level (including the amount of work each project member can devote to the project, additional staffing if necessary, and objectives) will be taken jointly by the following people:

7.2 The Project Team

At the project launch time, the primary project team is composed of:

The primary team will participate fully in the work involved in the project and it will follow the project till the completion.

The secondary team is composed of:

The secondary team will participate in all the project reviews up to the completion of the M4 milestone (definition of the minimum standard solution). Each member of this team has agreed to volunteer part of his/her time to the work involved to reach this milestone.

Representatives of the users and experts from other divisions of CERN will be involved at appropriate times during the execution of the work.

The project leader will manage and control the evolution of the project as well as participate in the work inside the project.

The work distribution for the primary project team and the involvement of the secondary team will be defined in the responsibility and activity charts.
7.3 Tools and Documentation

All project information will only be available on the WWW. This is the only place where documentation is guaranteed to be up-to-date. The project WWW address is: The GDPM V1.0 software will be used to manage the project and to produce the GDPM milestone plans, responsibility charts, activity charts and milestone reports for each phase of the project.

There will be minutes produced from each project review.

All the above documents will be posted to the WWW.

8. Project Budget

A budget of 15000 SF is set aside for this phase. It will be used:

9. Acknowledgements

This PDR is the outcome of the Project Definition Workshop. Many thanks to Bernard Denis for heading the workshop and introducing the ideas behind Goal Directed Project Management.

10. References

  • SL/NOTE 93-42 (CO), Application Software Developer?s Guide to the PCR/TCR Software Environment, April 1993.
  • SL - ST Software Configuration and Management System (SCaM) Project - Project Evaluation Report. SL-CO Note 98-022, ST-MC Note 98-010.
  • Goal Directed Project Management. E.S. Andersen, K.V. Grude, T. Haug - Coopers & Lybrand Kogan Page - ISBN 0-7494-1389-1
  • SL - ST Software Configuration and Management System (SCaM) Project - Users Requirement Document. SL-CO Note 97-059, ST-MC Note 97-050.
  • PS/SL Controls Infrastructure Convergence Project - Project Definition Report. PS-CO Note 98-03, SL-CO Note 98-021.
  • Services for Computing at CERN - User Requirement Document. ECP-RS-URD-1


    Appendix A

    The Project Milestone Plan

    The project milestone plan identifies the various milestones that must be met in order to reach the end result. Milestones are identified by circles and the lines between them show the time dependency between milestones (end-to-end relation). End dates for the most important milestones are also provided.

    Appendix B

    The Project Responsibility Chart

    The project responsibility chart identifies the different entities, in CERN or outside, that will be involved in the activities required to meet the milestones.

    Below are the different roles and the abbreviations used on the responsibility chart:

    X - executes the work

    D - takes decision solely

    d - takes decision jointly

    P - manages progress

    T - provides tuition on the job

    C - must be consulted

    I - must be informed

    A - available for advice